Fire & Life Safety

BEST Commercial Fire Alarm Systems are an intelligent life safety system providing smoke and fire detection, sprinkler supervision, and emergency communications.

Professionally installed fire alarm systems that are monitored by UL–Listed monitoring center significantly reduce risks to your business. BEST'S complete turnkey fire alarm system design, installation, service, test and inspection and monitoring provides the professionalism needed to meet your fire alarm needs.locks or keys.

Key Features

U.L. Approved Fire Alarm Monitoring

System automatically signals our 24 hours UL and Fire Marshall Approved Monitoring Center for diagnostic information and quick emergency assistance.

We’ll Keep You In Complicance

Working with your local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) is essential to a smooth fire alarm installation — let BEST help you.

Isolate the Location of the Fire

Addressable fire alarm systems pinpoint the exact point of the fire alarm.

Benefit #4

Key benefit # 4 should go here for the sake of additional copy, and page consistency. Thoughts?