Peter Brown, project manager for Turner Construction’s Sibley Hospital construction project, was frustrated because for six to eight months, they were dealing with thefts in the building. The thefts ranged from pieces of copper wires to larger thefts totaling in the range from $5,000 to $7,000.

Though the subcontractors wanted Peter to provide a full security detail on the site to reduce the thefts, Peter did not have the money to fund such an expense. Therefore, Peter decided to research other ways to increase security at the site without going over their allocated budget.

The agreed upon solution was to install motion detectors with video verification. The video verification would be a way to avoid false alarms, which are a nuisance to anyone who has to manage them. The system works by being triggered when a motion alarm detects motion in the monitored area. A dispatcher confirms that the activity is caused by a human being, and then once this is confirmed, the necessary information (the dispatchers describe the scene) is sent to the authorities.

The system installed was fully wireless – a plus in a construction site where things change daily. A wireless system easily adapted to these changing conditions.

Once installed, the system began picking up instances of intruders entering the building.

commercial security Escondio construction site video

As a result of the video monitoring system, the police were able to make an arrest in the case. In addition, the incidents of intrusion and theft stopped completely at the site. Peter Brown said that he made sure word got out!

Peter Brown was able to add on cameras and other services as needed throughout the construction project. Currently they are using eight cameras provided by Urban Alarm in Washington DC to monitor the site.

Click the video above to watch the report.

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