Did you know that too much clutter could cost you your life in the event of fire? Most of us could probably benefit from a good spring clean, but when the clutter in our homes becomes excessive, it creates a fire danger not only to ourselves but also to the fire fighters who would have to respond.

The National Fire Protection Association’s Sharon Gamache gave a short interview here. As the Director of NFPA’s High Risk Outreach Programs, she is especially qualified to speak about the fire hazards of compulsive hoarding.

Here are some highlights from her interview; you can also click the video below to watch the whole talk.

fire system del mar video

People who live in a house where there is hoarding are in danger, for several reasons.

Sometimes the clutter is piled around a heating source. For example, there may be things stored on top of radiators, near candles, heaters and fire places. There may be basement storage near the furnace.

Another problem is during the response to a fire. Firefighters may have a hard time getting in a door that is blocked by clutter. Once they are inside house, they may have a hard time leaving the home, because the clutter might prevent easy-exit. 

Likewise, the resident of the home is in danger, because the clutter makes it harder to escape; the clutter might be blocking windows and other exits. In addition, clutter in the home presents a tripping hazard as they are trying to escape – which delays their getting out during a fire.

This National Fire Protection Association Journal article reports on a fire in a high-rise public housing complex. A fire started in a unit that was stuffed with clutter. As a result, the fire turned into a six-alarm fire that involved more than 300 firefighters! 

If you or someone you love tends to live in a cluttered environment, consider the dangers that clutter provides. Use this new knowledge for motivation to live more safely!

At Best Security Products, we can help you with all commercial and home fire security and safety needs. Give us a call at 1-800–988–2378 sales@bestsecurityproducts.com