One of the smartest things you can do to protect your business, your employees and your customers is to install a commercial security system.  From theft to fire protection to employee supervision, a commercial security provides you with the peace of mind that you are doing everything you can to ensure a high level of safety.

commercial security lemon groveBut it’s easy to overlook the fact that your system must be maintained in order to perform correctly.  It can be tempting to install a system and then forget it.  However, the better option is to be proactive in regular maintenance.  If your system malfunctions, you may not know about it until an emergency has occurred – and then it will likely be too late.

Here are a few tips on maintaining your commercial security system:

1.  Run a test.  To determine if your system is functioning, simply pretend to be a burglar and attempt to break into your business.  Alert your monitoring company that you are going to be testing, and then check the performance of your components by arming your system and trying to get in through doors and windows, tripping motion detectors and by triggering motion-activated surveillance cameras.

2.  Keep components clean.  Keypads, smoke detectors, motion sensors and other parts of your commercial security system can be affected by dust and dirt buildup.  Schedule regular cleaning of these components.

3. Have a professional maintenance check. There are some aspects of your system that require a certified technician to evaluate.  Even if your test runs turn out well and you are keeping the components clean, the components of your system can still wear out or malfunction.  Each year, have a technician come out to look over your system to ensure it is performing up to standard.

At Best Security Products, we can help keep your commercial security system running smoothly so you can enjoy peace of mind.

Give us a call or email us at 1-800–988–2378