You’re in business to make money; the last thing your bottom line needs is to deal with a burglary. But given the high number of property crimes in our country, your business security isn’t something you want to gamble with.

How Big is the Threat?

Nationwide, there were an estimated 8,632,512 property crimes in 2013, and collectively, victims of property crimes (excluding arson) suffered losses calculated at an estimated $16.6 billion.1

In fact, according to the FBI Crime in the United States report, in 2010, there was one burglary every 14.6 seconds.2

That means, statistically speaking, every 14.6 seconds you are in danger of your business being burglarized.

Stop a Burglar from Breaking Into Your Business

The smartest way to protect your business from break-in is with a security alarm system for business.

UNC Charlotte researcher Joseph Kuhns from the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology conducted research that collected data from more than 400 convicted offenders 3. The study is called “Understanding Decisions to Burglarize from the Offender’s Perspective,” and gives us valuable insight into not only what goes through a burglar’s mind, but also how businesses can protect themselves against crime.

Interestingly, Kuhn’s research team found that around 83 percent said they would try to find out if an alarm was in the business before they tried to commit the burglary.4. 83 percent! Further, 60 percent said if they did determine that an alarm was on the property, they would seek another place to break into.5

What if the offenders discovered an alarm during the course of their burglary? Fully half reported that they would stop the crime.6

Your take away is clear: if you want to beat the odds when it comes to preventing burglary in your business, put in a security alarm system.

Give me a call, and we’ll discuss your needs and set up a custom designed business security system for your business. 1-800–988–2378 or email me at