fire protection San Diego CountyIf a fire were to break out in your building in San Diego County, how prepared are you right now to deal with it? Do you have plenty of safeguards and mechanisms in place to deal with the fire so that there is minimal or no damage to the building and all employees, tenants and customers could get to safety quickly and efficiently?

Or, have you neglected the prioritizing of fire protection safety so that your building and its occupants would vulnerable if a fire emergency occurred?

If you have neglected your fire protection safety, you are not alone. It is easy to overlook the importance of installing the right fire protection system, since many other issues of running a business seem more urgent.

The first step in improving the fire safety in your business is to understand the difference between passive fire defense systems and active fire resistance systems. Passive fire defense systems are those aspects of your fire system set up that work with no additional effort when a fire breaks out; they are always in place and operational. Their main purpose is to contain or slow the spread of fire. The components of this type of system include things like fire resistant walls and doors. This type of fire defense is important in keeping fire damage to a minimum.

Active fire protection components, however, include those components of your fire system which are either manually operated or automatically triggered when a fire breaks out. These components include sprinklers (which will trigger when a fire is detected in the area where the sprinklers are located), smoke and heat detectors (which will trigger when smoke or excessive heat is detected), and manual pull stations (which can be used when a fire has started but has not yet triggered the fire alarm system).

The best scenario for your business is to ensure that you have a variety of fire protection components in place. At Best Security Products, we specialize in fire protection systems that are customized for your unique needs. Give us a call or email us at 1-800–988–2378