The Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety has released some simple precautions that you can take to reduce the likelihood that your business will be faced with a commercial electrical fire.

The institute points out that electrical fires are one of the leading causes of commercial and residential fires, and these fires frequently lead to death, injury and loss of business property.

The good news is, according to the institute, that man of these fires can be prevented and/or controlled by following a few guidelines.

Here are a few highlights from the institutes guidelines; you can read the entire article here.

commercial fire lemon groveIdentify signs of trouble by keeping an eye on the following areas:

Lighting Systems are another potential area for fire hazard:
When bulbs are replaced in light fixtures, be sure to use the recommended wattage indicated on the socket. Make sure the fixtures are placed in areas where breakage risk is low, and keep them away from materials that are combustible.

If you see flickering or dimming lights, call your electrician to inspect the electrical system, as this could be an indication that a circuit is overloaded or that there is a short in the wiring.

Click here to read the entire article from the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety.

At Best Security Products, we specialize in commercial fire systems for your business or industry.  Contact us at 1-800–988–2378 or