If you are moving soon, you are not alone. In the United States in 2015, out of 282,556,000 people, 40,093,000 moved. That’s about 14%.1 But all of those people are not well informed about the special considerations needed for home security when moving. Moving your belongings from one house to another can pose a security hazard if you are not in the know about how to keep yourself and your property safe.

Best home security system Coronado keys1. Change the locks on your new home as soon as you move in. This may seem obvious, but many people do not do this, and it makes you vulnerable to break-ins. Even though you may know and trust the people from whom you have purchased your home, you do not know who else has a key to the house.

2. Change your address before you move. If mail arrives at your old address after you have moved, the new tenants may have access to your personal information such as credit cards, health and insurance records and government mailings. Let the post office your address has changed, and contact the companies that may be mailing information to you.

3. Install your home security system as soon as you close on your new home. You do not want to go one day without the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your home is protected. Make an appointment with your security company to install or connect your system when you get the keys to your house, so you are protected against burglary as soon as possible.

4. Get to know your neighbors. Often, when moving into a new neighborhood, you won’t know your neighbors. Make it a priority to get to know them as soon as possible. Neighbors can be one of the best safeguards against burglaries, as you watch out for each other’s’ homes.

At Best Security Products, we are experts in Home Security Systems. Please call or email for a consultation: 1-800–988–2378 sales@bestsecurityproducts.com

1. http://avrickdirect.com/homedata/?p=31