With 5,000 office-building fires occurring annually, prevention is key in creating safer working environments. By following foundational safety practices, the number of fires can be reduced.1

Discover Dixon has some helpful tips to decrease the number of fires in workplaces. Here are a few suggestions; click here for the full article.

In the area of preventing arson, which is the biggest cause of fires in general office buildings, it is important to keep your doors locked after business hours and to keep the area around your building well lit.

Inside the office, there are also measures to take such as keeping clutter out of hallways and lobbies and making sure that paper and other combustible items out of exits and storage areas.2

Eastern Kentucky University also offers some help in understanding and preventing office fires. In this article, EKU reports that most office fires happen between noon and 2 P.M. on weekdays, but most fire related property damage happens between 7 P.M. and 7 A.M.

commercial fire EscondidoSince overnight is such a dangerous time for property damage from fires, having a reliable fire security system is imperative. Usually, no one is in the office building overnight, so the presence of fire may not be detected until significant damage is done. A fire security system can offer comprehensive protection.

Heat detectors and smoke detectors can monitor both the temperature increase and the presence of smoke in the building. If one of these devices is triggered, your monitoring company can respond immediately. In addition, having a sprinkler system installed can decrease the amount of damage done to your property. Sprinklers can keep the fire under control so it is easier for the fire department to contain once they arrive.

Don’t wait until it is too late. Take measures today to protect yourself, your staff and your property.

At Best Security Products, we can help you with all commercial and home fire security and safety needs. Give us a call at 1-800–988–2378 sales@bestsecurityproducts.com

1 http://www.discoverdixon.org/departments/fire-department/safety-tips/office-building-fire-safety.html
2 http://www.discoverdixon.org/departments/fire-department/safety-tips/office-building-fire-safety.html