As a business owner, you no doubt are aware that billions of dollars are lost each year to theft. One of your best defenses against theft is having a high quality business alarm system installed, maintained and monitored by a professional security company. And there is one aspect of this type of system that is particularly important: night vision video cameras.

night vision video camera Los AngelesIt is a well-known fact that burglars prefer to do their work under the cover of darkness, since this lessens the odds that they will be caught. This is one of the reasons why security lighting is such an important part of your overall security plan: when the area around your business (parking lot, doors and windows) is brightly lit, a burglar will not see your business as an attractive opportunity. Likewise, keeping the inside of your business brightly lit at night is also a smart strategy for repelling burglars, since passers-by can easily see what is happening inside your business and could see the burglar.

However, even with security lights in place, there may still be dimly lit areas around the interior and exterior of your building. Regular video surveillance cameras will not be effective in dim areas; the images and recording will be low quality and of little use in identifying and apprehending the criminal.

Night vision cameras from Honeywell are the right choice for protecting your business at night. Click here for an informational brochure about Honeywell Night Vision Security cameras, but here is a short excerpt explaining the infrared light that makes these cameras the right choice for superior burglar protection:

Infrared light is a light that the human eye cannot see, but the monochrome CCTV camera can. Near infrared light is light of a longer wavelength than the visible spectrum, between 700 and 1,100 nm, just beyond the visible spectrum. It is this near infrared light that is used for CCTV purposes.

As infrared light contains none of the colors visible to humans it cannot be used with color cameras. To see infrared light, monochrome or day/night cameras are needed. CCTV cameras using infrared light always provide monochrome images.

Applications that require covert surveillance, or applications where even low levels of overt lighting must be avoided for reasons of light pollution, are ideal for infrared light.

At Best Security Products, we can install Honeywell night vision cameras to protect your business. Give us a call or email us at 1-800–988–2378

