In the following Howcast video, you’ll learn some tips for hiding things from burglars.

From the video:

“Step One: Understand that the burglar has two goals: to find your valuables and to get in and out of your house as fast as possible.

Step Two: Leave a small amount of cash in an obvious spot, so burglars think they’ve found all the cash in your house and won’t bother looking for more.

Step Three: Spread out your valuables and money. Hide some in messy areas that would take a burglar too long to go through, such as a child’s room, basement or garage. Don’t hide valuables in obvious places like drawers or purses.

Step Four: Make a diversion box with an ordinary item such as a cereal box. Store valuables in the box.”

Click the video to watch:


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Household Hacker also has some great tips for hiding your things in plain sight such as:

1. Remove the battery cover and base from your LED candles. Place your valuables inside and then replace the cover. The candle should function normally, but your valuables will be hidden safely away.

2. Cut an opening in the side of a tennis ball and place your valuables inside. When you release, the cut will close up and be hardly noticeable. To retrieve your items, squeeze the sides of the ball to open the hole.

3. Remove the lip balm from a lip balm container and fold your money to insert. Keep in mind that it will take some creative folding to fit US dollars into the tube!

4. Place your valuables into a small, plastic container. Place the container into a planter pot, and then place dirt and a plant into the pot on top of the container. Put the plant in a convenient spot either outside or inside your home. One idea for this tip: place an extra set of house keys in the pot and place near your front door.

Watch the full video below:

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