The National Fire Protection Association recognizes the need for extra precautions during the winter months. Whether you are taking the chill off your office or your home, there are important considerations to keep in mind. Carbon Monoxide poisoning is a real threat and claims lives each year.

Watch the full video below for recommendations the Jim Pauley, NFPA President, or keep reading for highlights from the video on how to prevent Carbon Monoxide from entering or building up in your home.

Commercial fire Escondido Video

From the video:

Carbon Monoxide, which is created when fuel burns incompletely, is often called the invisible killer because it is a poisonous gas that you can’t see or smell. That is why you need to make sure your heating systems are functioning properly and why having a carbon monoxide alarm on every level of your home is so important.
Guidelines to Follow:

1. Have heating equipment and chimneys inspected by a professional every year before cold weather sets in.
2. Clear all debris from dryer, furnace, stove and fireplace vents.
3. During and after a snowstorm, make sure vents for the dryer, furnace, stove and fireplace are clear of snow buildup.
4. A generator should be used outdoors. Use in a well ventilated location away from windows, doors and vent openings.
5. Open the damper when using a fireplace for adequate ventilation.
6. Never use your oven or stove to heat your home.

You can find additional tips from the following website:

Don’t take chances with your loved ones. Because Carbon Monoxide is odorless and colorless, you may not know it is present. Here are some symptoms of Carbon Monoxide poisoning:

• Headache
• Mood fluctuations
• Flu-like symptoms
• Food poisoning like symptoms
• Physical weak feelings
• Difficulty focusing
• Feeling light headed
• Difficulty breathing

Unsure if your home is protected against Carbon Monoxide? At Best Security Products, we can help you find out and help you stay safe this winter. Give us a call at 1-800–988–2378