There are lots of ways to make your business less vulnerable to intrusion: securing doors and windows, installing an alarm system, keeping landscaping trimmed back, adding motion detectors, organizing a neighborhood watch and setting up adequate lighting both inside and outside.

There is one way, however, that can help catch a thief after he has burglarized a business: high quality security cameras.

Even the best defenses fail occasionally. Doors get kicked in, alarm systems may malfunction and in spite of the best lighting and observant neighbors, intruders sometimes make it into businesses and steal from them.

commercial security Escondio dome cameraIt is at these times that you need a backup system: a way of identifying the intruder after the fact. Security cameras can help with this.

But it is important to realize not all security cameras are created equal. Even if you have a security camera installed and running during an intrusion, if the resolution is so low that the intruder cannot be identified, it will not help you solve the crime.

However, a high quality, high resolution camera can record details of the burglars face and clothing so that it may aid authorities in identifying and arresting the thief.

This is what happened in a robbery case in Chicago1. According to this report, a man accused of robbing salons was caught on camera and later identified based on his clothing. Click here for the article and to see an image of the man’s sweatshirt – which is what he was wearing when arrested.

Do you have surveillance cameras installed in your business? If you do, do they take clear images – clear enough to be used to identify intruders should you be the victim of a break in?

Best Security Products can help you reduce theft at your place of business. Give us a call or email us at 1-800–988–2378 | We specialize in Honeywell business security in Escondio.