How can Honeywell Video surveillance improve and protect your business? Here are just a few ways:

Setting up video security cameras in key locations around your business makes it possible for you to analyze the traffic pattern in your store and allow you to review any suspicious activity. If you suspect shoplifting, you can review the video recording to obtain additional and perhaps even critical information.

business security poway surveillanceHaving video recordings can also help decrease liability issues. If someone, whether employee or customer, claims wrongdoing on your part, having a video recording of the alleged incident may provide the necessary information to solve the situation.

Honeywell video surveillance can help you evaluate customer experience. By analyzing the recordings from the cameras, you can determine whether there are unusually long lines a certain times of the day, if customers are getting the help they need, and any undesirable situations that may come up repeatedly.

Employee behavior is another area in which Honeywell video security can protect your business. You cannot be at your business 24/7, and even when you are there, you cannot watch every area. With video recording, however, you can monitor the behavior and activity of your employees. Are they complying with your policies? Are they treating customers with respect? Are they involved in employee theft and therefore causing you to lose money and inventory?

Video surveillance can help you find out the answers to these questions and then take the appropriate action if any is needed. With Honeywell technology, you can also view the information remotely. With internet access, you can view in real time the activities going on at your business, regardless of where you are. You can view on your computer, your phone or your other mobile device.

At Best Security Products, we can help you protect your most valuable assets. Give us a call at 1-800–988–2378