How to Protect Yourself From Unexpected Acts of Violence

What can we do to protect ourselves from an active shooter or someone with intent to harm you or as many innocent people as possible? No precaution is guaranteed to to prevent tragedy but using common sense and practicing a few simple habits will reduce your risk and possibly save lives. Basically there are two habits that will help you when you are confronted with unexpected acts of violence (#1) Be  Aware of Your Surroundings & (#2) Have a Plan. 

Some will say that living in fear is no way to live at all, and we would concur, but unfortunately the current events of our time warrant the discussion. We are not promoting paranoia or even anxiousness, but we are promoting awareness and being prepared.

#1 Be Aware of Your Surroundings: whenever you enter a room, or any space or area be aware of the surroundings. Is the lighting bright , dark, is the area secluded, populated, are there places of refuge. Where are the exits in the room, what items could be used as cover, and position yourself  if possible for a quick exit. If you are outdoors look for and plan avoiding any vehicular weapons and if there is an active shooter look for places of refuge.  If you are in an enclosed room with an active shooter in close quarters  its imperative that the shooter be confronted as quickly as possible. This is dangerous and takes extreme courage but you will improve your chances of survival and save lives. If he is not close quarters any distractions will weaken his shooting ability and possibly allow someone else to overwhelm him so he can be subdued. Most shooters will be well armed and intent on inflicting maximum damage and will do so until they are stopped. If none of these options are available and as last resort and then playing dead has been shown to have saved many lives. 

#2 Have a Plan:  Wherever you find yourself whether it's inside a room or outdoors put thought into your plan if there was an unexpected act of violence. Be aware and have a plan of escape or refuge. We are not talking about be consumed, paranoid, or even nervous, just make a habit to know your options if something bad happens.


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