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Regardless of where you are, you need to know what is going on with your business. Honeywell Total Connect allows you to do just that.

With this intelligent system, you can control your security system, get messages via text and email, and watch live video. Would you like to know when doors are unlocked? This system makes it possible! You can receive a video or email notification when this happens.

You also have the ability to control aspects in your business such as the thermostat, lights and door locks. And you can do all this from compatible phones or tablets!

business security del mar control screenHoneywell Total Connect lets you know when your alarm system has been armed or disarmed; and you can receive this information remotely as well.

Motion detectors are another component that can be connected to Honeywell Total Connect. If there is movement near doors after hours or if there is movement detected in restricted areas, you can be notified immediately and take the needed action.

Temperature extremes are also detectable using components connected with Honeywell Total Connect. This lets you monitor even the interior environment of your building, no matter what time of the day it is. This allows you to reduce the number of potential business disruptions from environmental factors, ultimately helping your bottom line.

With integrated access control, you can create a safer working environment by carefully monitoring hazardous areas, which helps to keep employees and customers alike safer.

If your business has more than one location, you can control more than one site from the same account. This allows you a comprehensive picture of the state of each of your businesses without needing a separate account for each location.

Staying connected to your business allows you to have more peace of mind, create a safer environment, and save money, all while having the time to enjoy life without constantly worrying about your livelihood.

At Best Security Products, we can help you protect your most valuable assets. Give us a call at 1-800–988–2378 sales@bestsecurityproducts.com

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How can Honeywell Video surveillance improve and protect your business? Here are just a few ways:

Setting up video security cameras in key locations around your business makes it possible for you to analyze the traffic pattern in your store and allow you to review any suspicious activity. If you suspect shoplifting, you can review the video recording to obtain additional and perhaps even critical information.

business security poway surveillanceHaving video recordings can also help decrease liability issues. If someone, whether employee or customer, claims wrongdoing on your part, having a video recording of the alleged incident may provide the necessary information to solve the situation.

Honeywell video surveillance can help you evaluate customer experience. By analyzing the recordings from the cameras, you can determine whether there are unusually long lines a certain times of the day, if customers are getting the help they need, and any undesirable situations that may come up repeatedly.

Employee behavior is another area in which Honeywell video security can protect your business. You cannot be at your business 24/7, and even when you are there, you cannot watch every area. With video recording, however, you can monitor the behavior and activity of your employees. Are they complying with your policies? Are they treating customers with respect? Are they involved in employee theft and therefore causing you to lose money and inventory?

Video surveillance can help you find out the answers to these questions and then take the appropriate action if any is needed. With Honeywell technology, you can also view the information remotely. With internet access, you can view in real time the activities going on at your business, regardless of where you are. You can view on your computer, your phone or your other mobile device.

At Best Security Products, we can help you protect your most valuable assets. Give us a call at 1-800–988–2378 sales@bestsecurityproducts.com

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If you own a retail business, you spend much time and energy on running that business successfully and ensuring a profitable bottom line. One key component of this effort is security. Protecting your customers, your employees and your inventory is an important function of a robust retail security solution.

With Honeywell security, you can create a powerful and comprehensive business security plan with state-of-the-art technology. Here are some key components to consider for your business security:

commercial security San Diego sensor1. Employee Access. Regardless of the size of your business, monitoring and recording activity is important for keeping a comprehensive eye on security. This can be accomplished with access control. Easy-to-operate systems make it possible for you to control who has access to what areas of your building and during what times. Report logs allow for tracking and checking history.

2. Intrusion Detection. You can secure your building against intrusion with Honeywell’s perimeter and interior sensors. Honeywell’s Total Connect remote services make it possible for you to manage and view activity from a remote location. This can be done from a PC, a cell phone or a mobile device.

Video surveillance is just one method you can use to protect your building. The presence of video surveillance cameras can do much to discourage theft and reduce the amount of loss that is suffered, partly by allowing for rapid and successful investigations.

Click here to learn more about Honeywell’s complete video solutions.

3. Point-of-Sale (POS) Technology. In a perfect world, all employees can be trusted. Unfortunately, we do not live in a perfect world and it is necessary to monitor the activity and behavior of employees as well as customers. It can be difficult to determine if particular cash register transactions are genuine if you have suspicions about dishonest employee activity. With Honeywell technology, we can connect the date data from the cash register to the video record to help sort through those tough cases.1

1 http://www.security.honeywell.com/documents/BRETBROHV.pdf

Give us a call or email us at 1-800–988–2378 |sales@bestsecurityproducts.com. We specialize in Honeywell business security in San Diego.

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