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More and more people are using video surveillance to monitor their home. And with remote access, you can keep an eye on your home no matter where you are. It is a great way to have peace of mind both at home and away.

When you have cameras installed in your home, it is a good idea to put them in places that are not easily detectable. In retails stores and businesses, cameras that are visible can be a deterrent to crime: if a criminal knows he is being watched, he is less likely to act. However, in a home, if a criminal sees a video surveillance camera, he may choose to simply destroy or disable the camera. That is why it is best to place the camera where they are out of sight.

home security san diego cameraIf you have a bookcase with books and nick-knacks, this can be an ideal place to hide a camera. The camera will blend in with the other objects and will probably not be noticed. Placing the camera on a high shelf is best as it will provide a good view of the entire room.

Another good place to hide your indoor security camera is among plants. The foliage will do a great job of camouflaging the camera. We do recommend using fake plants for this, as the soil and water around real plants may damage a delicate camera.

A coat rack is another option. The coats, jackets and hats hanging on the hooks provide an ideal place to install a camera. Just use some older coats that will not be moved or displaced; these coats will be for camera-hiding only!

Finally, if the indoor security cameras you are using do not have high enough resolution to take good pictures, the cameras may not be useful even if they do capture footage of a break in. Be sure to purchase quality cameras that can take pictures that are clear and useful in identifying the criminals.

We would love to schedule a consultation with you, to help you determine what is best for your home security needs. Give us a call at 1-800–988–2378 or send us an email at sales@bestsecurityproducts.com

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The Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA ) recently released an article which highlights some of the smartest way to protect the assets in retail stores.

More and more, retailers are turning to technology to help them not only protect their assets but also deliver excellent customer service. At a recent ‘innovation forum,’ several retailers came together to discuss ‘future trends” and “cutting-edge technologies.”1

As a result of the forum discussions, RILA compiled a list of some top trends in the asset protection technology.

commercial security san diego camera

Here are some excerpts from the article. Click here to read the whole thing.

One important trend is smart video. New technological advancements in vision and intelligence are making it possible to search information captured by and then extracted from the video. The result is that the subject’s facial expressions and even emotions can be determined. Research is also being done on technology that is able to deduce what is happening outside the range of the camera based on what is happening inside the range of the camera.

Another up and coming technological advancement has to do with biometrics, and the ability of the technology to anticipate perpetrators’ actions before they act on their bad intentions.

Predictive analytics is yet another aspect of using advancements in technology to increase asset protection in retail stores. Rather than relying on the ‘old fashioned’ way of forecasting fraud (for example by looking at older data and projecting into the future), predictive analytics peers into the future – literally. For example, a static picture of someone coming in a store could be analyzed to predict both where in the store they will go and also what their behavior will be in those areas.

Best Security Products can customize a security solution for your unique needs. Are you ready for peace of mind? Give us a call or email us at 1-800–988–2378 sales@bestsecurityproducts.com



1 http://www.rila.org/news/retailcheckout/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?List=538abc7d-dcd6-46f2-8316-01bd11cd855b&ID=122&Web=efbeee77-4209-4a75-a7af-aee9adefaf7f

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commercial security San Diego myths and truthThere are a lot of myths about business security out there, and what you don’t know could hurt you in the world of business security. You’ve worked too hard for your business to lose it to misinformation or oversight.

We’re exposing some of the top business security myths to make you aware of them and to set the record straight.

Myth: Business Security Systems are too expensive for most businesses to afford.
Truth: Installing a business security system does not have to be expensive. There are many budget friendly options to choose from. Having a custom system installed means you can choose only the components that you need.

Myth: Business security systems are complicated and hard to use.
Truth: Security companies want their customers to be happy with their purchases and have a good user experience, so modern systems are not difficult to learn to operate. A few simple commands and a passcode is all you will have to learn.

Myth: Security systems do not stop thieves from attempting to break into businesses.
Given the choice, burglars would much rather break into a business without a security system than a business with a system installed. They do not want their job to be any harder than it has to be. If your business has a security system and its presence is prominently advertised, a burglar may decide to leave and find an easier target.

Myth: Security systems produce too many false alarms to make them practical
Truth: Modern technology has advanced to the point that false alarms are less likely than they were with the older systems. You can also have a system installed that makes it possible for you to turn the alarm off itself, so the authorities do not have to dispatch to your business.

Take myths for what they are: dangerous misinformation. 

Give us a call or email us at 1-800–988–2378 |sales@bestsecurityproducts.com. We specialize in Honeywell business security in San Diego.

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