Mark Mahaffey

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Home Burglary Facts and Statistics: Arm Yourself with Knowledge

A home burglary can happen to anyone at any time. But did you know there are some key facts about burglaries that can help you stay safer in your home? Knowledge is indeed power when it comes to home invasion. By understanding some critical facts about home burglaries, you can take steps to keep your family safer.

home security san diegoI-viewHere are some important facts to keep in mind about home burglary and how to protect yourself:

1. Your home is most likely to be burglarized during the day when no one is there. This is probably due to the fact that more women are working away from home during the day, meaning the houses are unoccupied for several hours. The result is that most burglaries happen on weekdays as opposed to the weekend.1

Tip: Install motion detectors with video verification in your home. This allows a monitoring company to verify that the motion detector has been tripped by a person and can contact the authorities on your behalf.

2. Some houses are at higher risk for being burglarized than others. Once such type of house is a house without a dog. When a dog is present, it is a close substitute to a person being present in the home. Dogs can bark (alerting others) and can also be dangerous, threatening to harm the intruder. In fact, many burglars will attempted to avoid breaking into a home that has a dog.2

Tip: If you are an animal lover, consider adopting a dog for companionship and security.

3. If a house in your neighborhood has been recently burglarized, your home is more likely to be burglarized as well. Criminals tend to return to neighborhoods in which they have had previous success.3

Tip: If a burglary has recently taken place in your neighborhood, as for increased police patrol along your streets. In addition, install a home alarm system and place signage in your yard indicating that you are protected. Criminals are less likely to break into a home with a home alarm system.



We would love to schedule a consultation with you, to help you determine what is best for your home security needs. Give us a call at 1-800–988–2378 or send us an email at

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Mark is the Founder and President of Best Security Products located in San Diego, CA. He takes pride in providing the very BEST service to every customer in CA, AZ and NV.

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