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Mark Mahaffey

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5 Low Tech Ways to Reduce Shoplifting

If you are a retail owner, you know firsthand the struggles with shoplifting. Millions of dollars are lost to retail business owners due to shoplifters stealing merchandise.

Your first line of defense should be an up-to-date security system. Video surveillance cameras, motion detectors, and remote access control are non-negotiable components of a system that can offer robust protection.

However, there are also some low-tech ways you can add additional protection to your already existing security system.

MSNBC reports from 5 low tech ways to reduce shoplifting. You can watch the whole video here, but we have pulled the highlights from the report for you:

commercial security Del Mar shopping1. Remove anonymity. When shoplifters come to your store, they want to be unnoticed, unrecognized and anonymous. You can remove anonymity by making sure every customer that comes into your store is greeted. Look them in the eyes and let them know you see them.

2. Keep things organized. If the shelves and display areas in your store are messy, unorganized and in general disarray, it will be harder to notice when merchandise is missing.

3. Brighten things up. Are there areas in your store that are dim or poorly lit? This may apply to corners or other areas where the main lighting does not illuminate brightly. Brighten up these areas with additional bulbs to reduce the risk of shoplifting in these spaces.

4. Create a secret code. Shoplifts sometimes give off clues and look or act suspiciously. One of your employees may notice this and want to communicate this information with other employees. The solution is to have a code that can be communicated either in person or over the intercom system. This secret code will let other employees know that there is a suspicious person or activity in the store.

5. Ensure a clear line of vision. If there are barriers in your store, whether in the form of tall racks, shelves or hanging rods, you are inadvertently creating spaces where shoplifters can do their dirty work unnoticed. However, if there is a clear line of vision throughout the store, you and others can see much better what is going on.

Click here to watch the whole video from MSNBC.

Best Security Products can customize a security solution for your unique needs. Are you ready for peace of mind? Give us a call or email us at 1-800–988–2378

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Mark is the Founder and President of Best Security Products located in San Diego, CA. He takes pride in providing the very BEST service to every customer in CA, AZ and NV.

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