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by on in Category 1

Home security Los Angeles skybellHoneywell has taken the humble doorbell to a whole new level. Because you want to protect what matters most, anything you can do to improve your home security is important. The SkyBell Video Doorbell turns the doorbell into a major, high-tech addition to your home security system.

No matter where you are in the world, you can keep an eye on your home with the SkyBell.

How it works:

When someone comes to your door, the SkyBell can alert you of their presence, and they do not even have to ring the doorbell to trigger the alert! The SkyBell will send high-definition video as well as audio to your iPhone or iPad. You may then have a conversation with the visitor, via SkyBell and your device.

SkyBell also has full color night vision. This means even if you have a visitor after dark, you will still be able to view the video of the visitor in color HD. And since SkyBell is an outdoor component of your home security system, Honeywell has made it tough enough to withstand harsh weather conditions. SkyBell functions fine in temperature extremes between -40 degrees F to 140 degrees F.

There are other features of SkyBell that make it convenient to use. SkyBell is always turned on, so whether someone is at your door or not, you can turn on a live video feed anytime you want. This is great for those times you are away from home and want to check in to see how things are going in your absence.

Finally, with SkyBell, you can turn off the indoor chime and instead receive alerts and notifications on your iPhone or iPad. This is perfect for when others are sleeping in your home or do not want to be bothered by the sound of the doorbell.

We would love to schedule a consultation with you, to help you determine what is best for your home security needs. Give us a call at 1-800–988–2378 or send us an email at

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After a Kansas City mother left for work, an intruder attempted to break into her house where her two daughters, ages 12 and 14 were home alone.1

The full story is reported here.

According to the report, the burglar began by beating on the doors and then attempted to enter through a bedroom window. The mother told the terrified girls to call the police, but their screams scared the intruder off before the police arrived.

Home security Los Angeles burglarThis frightening situation could happen to anyone. What can you do to protect yourself? One of the smartest ways is to install a home security system. If a burglar suspects there is an alarm system installed in a home, he is much less likely to attempt a break in in the first place. You can let a burglar know you have an alarm system by placing yard signs in both the front and back yards.

If an alarm system in installed in the home, a siren could have been triggered that would have alerted not only the neighbors that a burglary was taking place, but it would have also been a strong warning to the burglar himself.

Further, the monitoring company would have gotten the alert and could have contacted the police.

Setting up outdoor security cameras is another deterrent. Burglars do not like the idea of being on camera and may leave if they think they are being recorded. Just make sure the cameras are in plain sight.

Finally, have a plan. No matter how well you think you have protected yourself against intruders, it can happen to anyone. If you do not have a plan, it will be hard to decide what to do in a moment of panic. Talk through with your family what would be the best course of action in such a situation and practice the drills frequently.


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by on in Category 1

As students return to school all over the country, parents understandably become concerned about their children’s safety.

Not being with your children for several hours each day means you cannot oversee them and directly protect them. But there are several things you can do to help them be safer and smarter about their own safety.

school security1. Do not leave your children at the bus stop alone. Predators know the morning hours are ideal times to find children alone and may take advantage of this opportunity. Make sure at least one adult is waiting with children at the bus stop. Consider arranging a rotation with other trusted parents in your neighborhood.

2. Find out about the security protocol at your child’s school. Is there a robust visitor management system in place? Is there a security guard on patrol? With the number of school crimes happening, high security is critical. If your child’s school is not equipped with adequate security protocols, start a movement with your school administration to increase the level of security.

3. Does your child spend time at home alone after school? If so, this is a time when they are vulnerable. If your child walks or rides a bicycle home, make sure they come straight home and do not make unplanned stops along the way.

Once they get home, they should go directly inside and lock the doors and then open them for no one except people preapproved by you. It is also a good idea to keep the window shades drawn, and this prevents possible predators from looking in the windows.

4. Teach your child about bullying. Bullying is a very real threat with today’s youth, and the more your children are informed about its many forms and the more you talk about it with them, the more likely they will be to come to you if they detect it in their lives.

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