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Remote video access is the perfect way to stay on top of all areas of your busy life.

If you are a business owner, you know firsthand the struggles of not being able to be in more than one place at a time. You can’t stay at your business 24/7, but perhaps you need to. While you are away, are your employees meeting your standard of work and behavior? Is the store secure at night?

business security del mar black and white phoneRemote video access makes it possible to keep an eye on your business, even when you cannot be there. Indoor and outdoor video cameras can send feed to your phone, tablet or computer, no matter where you are.

Remote video access helps you stay on top of things at home too. Your home security system can be upgraded to include video surveillance, giving you a front row seat to anything that might be happening while you are away. If you have pets or elderly parents at home, Honeywell video surveillance cameras allow you to log in and find peace of mind via the video feed.

Honeywell video surveillance cameras even allow you to pan the camera around for a complete look.

With Honeywell Total Connect, all you need is your phone or tablet to check your security system, arm or disarm the system or even get real time alerts.

With Honeywell business and home security, you really can be in two places at the same time.

How much is peace of mind worth to you? We think it is priceless.

At Best Security Products, our main focus is peace of mind and security for you, whether you are at home, at work or somewhere in between. We would love to talk with you to find out your specific situation. We will work together to design a custom solution that delivers what you need, with the usual Honeywell quality.

Contact us today at 1-800–988–2378 or sales@bestsecurityproducts.com

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It’s spring break all across the country; a perfect time to get away from the daily routine and head someplace relaxing and fun for a week. But while you are having fun traveling and spending time with family and friends, do not forget the importance of safety.

Before you leave home, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure your property stays secure while you are away.

home alarm san diego beach boats1. Ask a friend to collect your mail each day or have your mail stopped at the post office. When mail piles up in the mailbox, it is obvious to potential burglars that you are not home.

2. Leave a light and a television (be sure the sound is turned up) on a timer. If lights and the television come on a various times of the day, the house does not look vacant.

3. If possible, hire a house sitter. Even better than putting lights and the television on a timer is hiring someone to live at your home while you are away. Simply having someone coming and going on a regular basis communicates clearly that your home is not vacant.

4. Make sure your security alarm is in proper working condition. If someone breaks into your home while you are on vacation, you will need your security system to be triggered and then send the proper message to your monitoring company. It is a good idea to run a couple of tests to ensure that it is working. Let your monitoring company know what you are doing so they know to disregard any alerts that come through.

If you do not have a home security system installed in your home, now is the time to get one. We can help you choose the best system for your needs and your budget. Contact us today at 1-800–988–2378 or sales@bestsecurityproducts.com

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The Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA ) recently released an article which highlights some of the smartest way to protect the assets in retail stores.

More and more, retailers are turning to technology to help them not only protect their assets but also deliver excellent customer service. At a recent ‘innovation forum,’ several retailers came together to discuss ‘future trends” and “cutting-edge technologies.”1

As a result of the forum discussions, RILA compiled a list of some top trends in the asset protection technology.

commercial security san diego camera

Here are some excerpts from the article. Click here to read the whole thing.

One important trend is smart video. New technological advancements in vision and intelligence are making it possible to search information captured by and then extracted from the video. The result is that the subject’s facial expressions and even emotions can be determined. Research is also being done on technology that is able to deduce what is happening outside the range of the camera based on what is happening inside the range of the camera.

Another up and coming technological advancement has to do with biometrics, and the ability of the technology to anticipate perpetrators’ actions before they act on their bad intentions.

Predictive analytics is yet another aspect of using advancements in technology to increase asset protection in retail stores. Rather than relying on the ‘old fashioned’ way of forecasting fraud (for example by looking at older data and projecting into the future), predictive analytics peers into the future – literally. For example, a static picture of someone coming in a store could be analyzed to predict both where in the store they will go and also what their behavior will be in those areas.

Best Security Products can customize a security solution for your unique needs. Are you ready for peace of mind? Give us a call or email us at 1-800–988–2378 sales@bestsecurityproducts.com



1 http://www.rila.org/news/retailcheckout/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?List=538abc7d-dcd6-46f2-8316-01bd11cd855b&ID=122&Web=efbeee77-4209-4a75-a7af-aee9adefaf7f

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