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Best home security system Solana beach homeIt may surprise you to learn that 90% of burglaries are preventable. There are many things you can do to reduce the likelihood that your home will be burglarized. One of best deterrents against burglary is a home security system. Most criminals admit that if they know a home is protected by a home alarm system, they will not attempt to break in.

But even if you do have a home alarm system, adding extra layers of protection is a good idea. Here are a few tips to make your home even safer:

1. Brighten things up. Burglars like to work under the cover of darkness, so the brighter your house and property is, the better. Make sure that the areas around your doors and windows are well lit. To save electricity, consider putting security lights on motion detectors, so they only turn on when motion triggers the sensors.

2. Tidy your landscaping. Large hedges or decorative items near your house provide burglars with perfect places to hide. Trim back large plants and make sure outdoor equipment is not easily accessible; burglars can use large objects to gain access to upper story windows and balconies.

3. Get a dog. A barking dog is one of the best ways to scare off a thief. They know the barking alerts others of their presence, and a barking dog also means they may get bitten! If you are an animal lover, giving a home to a pet dog may be just the extra layer of protection you need to keep your home and family safe.

4. Beef up your door frames. Door frames for home security? Yes. Regardless of how strong your locks and dead bolts are, if you have weak door frames, a criminal can kick it in and bypass the locks altogether.

At Best Security Products, we are experts in Home Security Systems. Please call or email for a consultation: 1-800–988–2378 sales@bestsecurityproducts.com

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commercial security San Diego myths and truthThere are a lot of myths about business security out there, and what you don’t know could hurt you in the world of business security. You’ve worked too hard for your business to lose it to misinformation or oversight.

We’re exposing some of the top business security myths to make you aware of them and to set the record straight.

Myth: Business Security Systems are too expensive for most businesses to afford.
Truth: Installing a business security system does not have to be expensive. There are many budget friendly options to choose from. Having a custom system installed means you can choose only the components that you need.

Myth: Business security systems are complicated and hard to use.
Truth: Security companies want their customers to be happy with their purchases and have a good user experience, so modern systems are not difficult to learn to operate. A few simple commands and a passcode is all you will have to learn.

Myth: Security systems do not stop thieves from attempting to break into businesses.
Given the choice, burglars would much rather break into a business without a security system than a business with a system installed. They do not want their job to be any harder than it has to be. If your business has a security system and its presence is prominently advertised, a burglar may decide to leave and find an easier target.

Myth: Security systems produce too many false alarms to make them practical
Truth: Modern technology has advanced to the point that false alarms are less likely than they were with the older systems. You can also have a system installed that makes it possible for you to turn the alarm off itself, so the authorities do not have to dispatch to your business.

Take myths for what they are: dangerous misinformation. 

Give us a call or email us at 1-800–988–2378 |sales@bestsecurityproducts.com. We specialize in Honeywell business security in San Diego.

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On more than one occasion, parents have been horrified to learn that strangers have been hacking into their baby monitor, spying on the child, speaking into the room and even controlling the camera.

According to this story in the San Francisco Globe, a Washington discovered someone had hacked their baby monitor. Their son had been telling his parents that he was afraid at night because someone was talking to him. They didn’t understand, until one night they heard the voice.

Sarah, the toddlers mother, walked into the baby’s room and hear someone speaking through the monitor. She also realized that someone was controlling the night-vision camera and following her.

The SFG reports that this type of crime is becoming more common, evidenced by the same kind of story reported here by ABC News. In this account, a Houston family heard a man cursing in their daughter’s bedroom. This hacker had a British-sounding accent and was also controlling the camera. This family has decided that they may never use the monitor again.

Click the video below to watch the story of an Ohio family whose camera was hacked as well:

Best home security system San Diego baby monitor

With so many baby monitors in use, it is understandable that parents are nervous about this happening to them. What is the solution?

Parry Aftab, a lawyer specializing in internet privacy interviewed by ABC News has some tips:

1. Keep a password. Without a password, anyone can use the Wi-Fi and gain access to the monitor too.

2. Guard your computers and passwords from people who may have access, particularly babysitters and housekeepers.

Dave Hatter is quoted by FOX19 news as suggesting that another safeguard is to make sure the password on your Wi-Fi is different from the password on your camera. In addition he suggests keeping current on updates for the camera. This can be done by checking the product’s website frequently.

At Best Security Products, we are experts in Home Security Systems. Please call or email for a consultation: 1-800–988–2378 sales@bestsecurityproducts.com

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