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In the following Howcast video, you’ll learn some tips for hiding things from burglars.

From the video:

“Step One: Understand that the burglar has two goals: to find your valuables and to get in and out of your house as fast as possible.

Step Two: Leave a small amount of cash in an obvious spot, so burglars think they’ve found all the cash in your house and won’t bother looking for more.

Step Three: Spread out your valuables and money. Hide some in messy areas that would take a burglar too long to go through, such as a child’s room, basement or garage. Don’t hide valuables in obvious places like drawers or purses.

Step Four: Make a diversion box with an ordinary item such as a cereal box. Store valuables in the box.”

Click the video to watch:


home security san diego video image


Household Hacker also has some great tips for hiding your things in plain sight such as:

1. Remove the battery cover and base from your LED candles. Place your valuables inside and then replace the cover. The candle should function normally, but your valuables will be hidden safely away.

2. Cut an opening in the side of a tennis ball and place your valuables inside. When you release, the cut will close up and be hardly noticeable. To retrieve your items, squeeze the sides of the ball to open the hole.

3. Remove the lip balm from a lip balm container and fold your money to insert. Keep in mind that it will take some creative folding to fit US dollars into the tube!

4. Place your valuables into a small, plastic container. Place the container into a planter pot, and then place dirt and a plant into the pot on top of the container. Put the plant in a convenient spot either outside or inside your home. One idea for this tip: place an extra set of house keys in the pot and place near your front door.

Watch the full video below:

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Since 1948, the Albany Housing Authority (AHA) has been providing good housing in safe neighborhoods across Albany, NY. The agency owns and operates 1,800 public housing units and administers an ongoing public housing rehabilitation program averaging $2.5 million annually.

The Situation:

One of the chief concerns for the AHA is vandalism and the cost that it brings to operations. “Number one, it creates a negative image of the property and number two, it costs money to remove it,” explains Steven Longo, executive director of the AHA.

The Solution:

Since their properties are spread all over the city with about thirteen locations, the AHA
wanted a single, unified platform. To meet these concerns, FES designed a security
solution that deployed Honeywell fixed cameras, PTZs and Performance Series DVRs.

With this powerful combination, they were able to provide AHA with sufficient and
adequate coverage of the areas that they wanted to protect, and tie that back into their
central offices in order to watch all their properties at one time.

The software is Internet-based so that we can watch it from our homes if we’re so
inclined. And certainly the police are able to see the properties at any given time if an alarm comes in. That’s been very useful so that when they’re coming to the scene, if it was vandalism, then they know where to go and exactly what was going on. It’s that
intelligence on the ground, that has given us an advantage,” explains Longo.

The Benefits:

“I think the installation of cameras has been a big help in either dissuading those who
are going to deface our property from doing it in the first place or, if they do, it certainly is a tremendous aid in apprehending them,” explains Longo. In addition to improving security, the new video solution has additional advantages. Jay Cunningham, AHA’s director of security operations explains. “We use the video surveillance not just for criminal conduct, but also for supervisory capabilities. In the winter, for example, the director of maintenance doesn’t have to leave his office to see if they’re plowing the snow. Now, he can check it through the camera system. We’re looking at the holistic approach and there’s more to it than the reduction of crime.

As a result of the new installation, the residents and staff are much more secure. “I
believe that the properties Albany Housing has are safer today with a good security
solution. It’s not just the product; it’s awareness. When the tenants know there are cameras and would-be criminals know that the properties are also protected, it really does make an impact and effect on the lives and the living environment of the tenants,” concludes Tim Collins, director of electronic safety and security, FES Installation.


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At Best Security Products, we specialize in Honeywell technology.  Give us a call or email us at 1-800–988–2378

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Whatever you store in your garage (bikes, your car, the Christmas tree or your deep freezer), one thing is certain:  burglars want to break in and steal from you. Lucky for the burglars but not for you, garages can be one of the easiest areas of your house to invade.

Your first line of defense is to install a Honeywell home alarm system.  This system will alert you and your monitoring company in the event of a break-in.  With sensors on the garage door and all windows, a burglar simply will not make it into your garage without you knowing it.

home protection los angelesGlass break sensors are also a must.  A burglar might attempt to enter your garage by breaking a window.  A glass break sensor on each window will foil his plan.  The sensor will be tripped as soon as he shatters the glass.

There are some other things you can do to prevent a garage break-in.  Do not leave your garage door open.  This may sound obvious, but crooks love crimes of opportunity.  Consider this:  you are watering flowers in the back yard and you leave the garage door open after you remove the hose.  After all – how long does it take to water flowers?  How long?  Long enough for an opportunist thief to slip in.

It is also a good idea to put a deadbolt on the door leading into your house from the garage.  That way, if a thief does make it into your garage, he will have a hard time actually making it into your house.

Finally, do not leave your garage door opener in your car.  Ever.  If a thief breaks into your car, he will have access to your home.  Consider keeping it in your pocket, your purse or on a keychain.

Best Security Products can help you choose a Honeywell home alarm system that will protect your family.  Are you ready for peace of mind?  Give us a call or email us at 1-800–988–2378

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