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When it comes to home security, peace of mind is a priceless treasure. Traditional security systems offer many benefits with their door and window sensors and monitoring capabilities. However, with the advances in home security technology, you can add upgrades and improvements to enhance the performance and functionality of your traditional home security system.

When your security system alerts you to a possible intrusion, you may be away from home, in bed or in the yard. You know the alarm has been triggered, but you do not know why. There could be a valid reason for the alarm, such as an intruder, or it could simply be a false alarm.

Unless you have components installed that can give you more information about the alarm, you have no way of knowing what happened unless you or the authorities physically visit your home to find out.

The easy solution to this is to install indoor and outdoor security cameras that network with your security system. Motion controlled cameras can detect activity and then send alerts and live video to you, no matter where you are: all you need is a smart phone, tablet or computer with Wi-Fi enabled.

When you receive an alert from your home security system, you can log in and identify the camera that triggered the alarm. This will allow you to see for yourself what is happening. Perhaps your child just got home from school and tripped the alarm, or perhaps there is an intruder. Either way, you now have a way of obtaining the needed information to make an informed decision, keep your home safe and reduce false alarms.

At Best Security Products, we can help you install or upgrade your current system to include smart video monitoring. Make your smart phone smarter by using Honeywell’s home security technology!

We would love to schedule a consultation with you, to help you determine what is best for your home security needs. Give us a call at 1-800–988–2378 or send us an email at

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After a Kansas City mother left for work, an intruder attempted to break into her house where her two daughters, ages 12 and 14 were home alone.1

The full story is reported here.

According to the report, the burglar began by beating on the doors and then attempted to enter through a bedroom window. The mother told the terrified girls to call the police, but their screams scared the intruder off before the police arrived.

Home security Los Angeles burglarThis frightening situation could happen to anyone. What can you do to protect yourself? One of the smartest ways is to install a home security system. If a burglar suspects there is an alarm system installed in a home, he is much less likely to attempt a break in in the first place. You can let a burglar know you have an alarm system by placing yard signs in both the front and back yards.

If an alarm system in installed in the home, a siren could have been triggered that would have alerted not only the neighbors that a burglary was taking place, but it would have also been a strong warning to the burglar himself.

Further, the monitoring company would have gotten the alert and could have contacted the police.

Setting up outdoor security cameras is another deterrent. Burglars do not like the idea of being on camera and may leave if they think they are being recorded. Just make sure the cameras are in plain sight.

Finally, have a plan. No matter how well you think you have protected yourself against intruders, it can happen to anyone. If you do not have a plan, it will be hard to decide what to do in a moment of panic. Talk through with your family what would be the best course of action in such a situation and practice the drills frequently.


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Welcome to part 2 of our series on Home Security Tips from Burglars.  Click here to read part 1.

In this series, we are hearing from actual burglars to find out what they think when they burglarize home. We’ve pulled these tips from a video titled: WATCH: Convicted burglars explain how to prevent them from breaking into your home. Please click here to view the whole thing.

  • The burglar will look to see if there is a car in the driveway, knock on the door, listen for sounds, watch for lights coming on, look for wires that may indicate an alarm system, listen for a dog and look inside to see if anyone is home.
  • If the burglar can look through the window and see something expensive (such as a stereo system or jewelry), they will be more motivated to break in.
  • If the home owner has things dead bolted and has an alarm system, the burglar will not want to take the time to break in, especially if the burglar cannot see inside the home and does not know whether or not something is in there worth taking.
  • Older people are more of a target than younger people, because they are easier to burglarize and get away with it. 
  • Many people think second story windows are not vulnerable, but those windows should be locked and wired as well.  Burglars can climb up to those windows.
  • Burglars will enter through basement windows, so these should be secured as well.
  • Most burglaries are opportunistic and random, rather than calculated.
  • If a burglar knocks on the door and realizes that there are just a couple of people at home, he may go down the street and wait for them to leave the house.
  • A burglar may look for a window air conditioner, because these are easy to pull out and then enter through that window.

Please watch the whole video to hear more from burglars who explain what goes on in the mind of a crook.


Welcome to part 2 of our series on Home Security Tips from Burglars.  Click here to read part 1.

In this series, we are hearing from actual burglars to find out what they think when they burglarize home.  We’ve pulled these tips from a video titled: WATCH: Convicted burglars explain how to prevent them from breaking into your home. Please click here to view the whole thing.

·         The burglar will look to see if there is a car in the driveway, knock on the door, listen for sounds, watch for lights coming on, look for wires that may indicate an alarm system, listen for a dog and look inside to see if anyone is home.

·         If the burglar can look through the window and see something expensive (such as a stereo system or jewelry), they will be more motivated to break in.

·         If the home owner has things dead bolted and has an alarm system, the burglar will not want to take the time to break in, especially if the burglar cannot see inside the home and does not know whether or not something is in there worth taking.

·         Older people are more of a target than younger people, because they are easier to burglarize and get away with it.

·         Many people think second story windows are not vulnerable, but those windows should be locked and wired as well.  Burglars can climb up to those windows.

·         Burglars will enter through basement windows, so these should be secured as well.

·         Most burglaries are opportunistic and random, rather than calculated.

·         If a burglar knocks on the door and realizes that there are just a couple of people at home, he may go down the street and wait for them to leave the house.

·         A burglar may look for a window air conditioner, because these are easy to pull out and then enter through that window.

Please watch the whole video to hear more from burglars who explain what goes on in the mind of a crook.

Keywords: Home security Coronado, home alarm system Coronado, security system Coronado,

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